Saturday, March 24, 2012

Family is Priceless. Be thankful.

Today is my Grandfather's 90th birthday. As his immediate family gathers around today today we plan to celebrate with a unique gift. We have all decided to sit down and write him a letter. The idea being that we would share with him amazing memories and heartfelt stories in an attempt to express how much he means to each one of us. I thought this was a great idea and something that goes along with the theme of this blog and what I believe in.  A heartfelt gift you have to put time into is so much more meaningful and something you can't put a pricetag on.

As I sat down over this past week to scribble out some memories and ideas in the first draft of my letter, I was troubled by one thing.  Why was it taking such a milestone in someones life for me to express how much they mean to me?  Shouldn't I express my love and gratitude on a more consistent basis to those that are my family and I hold so close to my heart? Shouldn't I make a better effort aside from just birthdays and anniversaries and weddings?  I don't know the answer to the why, but I do know that I should try harder and a little more often.  Family is after all, one of the most precious items on my Priceless List!

I don't mean I have to sit down and draft a 3 page letter to every person special to me, but there are times when I could do a better job at letting people know they are important and I'm grateful they are in my life. My family has given me more than they realize and I should be better about saying thank you.  While I love my grandfather, (my Papaw) dearly and I congratulate the milestone of his 90th birthday, I'm also overcome with a new found realization that I need to be more appreciative of my family.
It's hard to express to the world, or whoever is actually reading this blog, what family means to me. I know not everyone is blessed with the perfect parents, ideal siblings, or doting grandparents, and therefore the definition of family for many isn't always equivalent to the traditional definition. I know mine isn't. For me, family isn't just those that are blood related. It includes a group of people that have come into contact with me throughout my life and have made special efforts in making a positive and everlasting impression on the person I am today and continue to strive to be. These people, whether around my whole life or just a tiny slice of it, are dear to my heart and soul. These are people that created me, raised me, guided me, taught me, fought for me, challenged me, walked with me, loved me, believed in me, and even if it was hard, stood by me. If given the chance, these people would continue to do any of these things again today. Lucky for me, my family is not limited to my immediate blood relatives, but it includes so many others as well. From my parents, to grandparents, to siblings, to extended blood and non-blood family, to step relatives, and to my friends from young and old, I cannot believe how lucky I am to have had to so many amazing people be a part of my life.

As I challenge myself, I also challenge you to appreciate your "Family".  You can determine for yourself who your "Family" is and how you might go about this process, but please be sure to do it.  I know for me I am going to try. Giving and receiving a little gratitude and love in life is priceless, but how much more special is it, when it comes out of the blue.... just because....
To my family formed by blood, marriage, higschool, college, work, and many other significant milestones in my life (I hope you know who you are) THANK YOU! You're amazing  and don't let anyone tell you otherwise!

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