About This Blog

Back story - Why my blogging journey began -

In 2007, I was a thriving young woman in her late twenties making great money, with a great job, and living, what I thought, was the "high life". I bought whatever I wanted no matter the price, traveled to wherever I was invited no matter the distance, and went to any and every social gathering no matter the day of the week. I worked hard, so when I had the chance, I played hard. Then something awful happened. Something I did not see coming. Something for which I no plan. I lost my job. In an instant my life changed drastically. I had taken my paycheck for granted everyday and squandered away every penny without a thought. I had no savings. Even the big bonus I had earned 3 months prior, I used to pay off a large renovation on my condo. I had exactly enough money in my bank account to keep me afloat for 3 months. 3 months...

I spent those next three months going the through the stages of depression. Like most, I didn't go through these stages perfectly or in any specific order, but I did experience most of the stages. There was denial, anger, reflection, working through, and even hope.

Denial - I couldn't deny what had happened to me for long. I had in fact lost my job.

Anger - I quickly moved on and became stuck in the anger phase for the most part of those three months. What happened to me!? I was the victim. I wanted nothing to do with "Corporate America" again. I resisted the idea of ever going back to work. I felt wronged. All that hard work for nothing. No one really appreciated all that I had done. It was NOT my fault I lost my job and that simply just wasn't fair. I was angry. I was furious. These were many thoughts I was fighting through. I was also in denial of my reality. It was as I neared the end of those three months and my money was almost gone, that I decided to accept the fact that no matter how right or wrong I was about what had happened to me, I still needed a paycheck. I needed to stop playing the victim and take action. No matter how bad the circumstances, I was not a quitter. I guess the competitor in me kept me going. I would not lose! I needed to make a decision and get a job. I had to pay the bills. In order to move forward, I started looking back.

Reflection - I was desperate to earn a paycheck, but I still refused to go back to "Corporate America". I had started to realize that as much money as I was making, I was also ALWAYS working. I had a job that kept me on call 24 hours a day. If disaster struck, I had to be ready. I had to have my phone on me at all times. When I shopped, vacationed, and played, and even slept, I too had my phone. I can still remember a trip I took to Mexico where I spent the majority of the time checking in with work. My friends laughed at me and jokingly would say "Put your 'crackberry' away already". Yes, I had a Blackberry that I was addicted to and even during my free time I could not put it down. Even during my free time, I was hard at work. During this reflection, I constructed my next move.

Reconstruction and Working though - I would go back to work, but not to a place that would have me on a leash 24/7. I didn't want to lose control. It was my life and I wanted to feel like I had a say. I decided to go back to a job I loved when I was in college. I knew there was 2 things I love. Children and sports. Something so simple yet, brought me happiness. I went to teach gymnastics. I knew it would be a huge pay cut, but I was willing to find a job that would temporarily pay the bills, keep me happy, and bide me some time until I figured out where I wanted to be long term. It was also a job that I didn't have to take home with me. So I had done it. I went back to work. Success! I had a job that paid the bills and I had more free time to enjoy life. Finally I felt in control of my life. Finally was my chance to live more. I didn't have a job that would hold me back during my free time. However, much I my free time was costing me money and now I was making so much less. How was I going to make this work?

I did make it work and I am still somehow making it. Everyday I learn and grow a little more. Now I would like to share with everyone things I have learned over the past five years and continue to learn each day. I realize I am not the only one going through hard times. Everyone has their share of hard times and everyone could use a little help. Therefore, I blog. Learn how to Live More while Spending Less.

There are two main points to this blog.

The first is regarding money. Money may not buy happiness, but it is necessary to live. I want to share ideas, tips, tricks, and ways to use your money wisely so that it lasts longer. Over the past 5 years I have learned to live on a 60% pay cut earning merely $30,000 a year. On top of this pay cut I have also decreased my credit card debt from $15,000 to $1,300. I wont take all the credit for managing this feat. I had the support and help of friends, family, and even professionals like Clark Howard. I am still an amateur, but through my immediate connections, social media, and the good 'ol Google search bar, I am making it happen.

The second side to this blog is living more. Again, I know things in life cost money, but there are also things in life that are free. Sometimes money just is not an option and times are really tough. Sometimes everything in the money part of this blog cannot be followed. Sometimes no matter what financial advice someone can give you, it's still not enough. STOP! Remember there are things in life that money cannot buy and will still bring your great joy, peace, happiness, and serenity. This part of my blog isn't as black and white as the money segment. I cannot clearly guide you to believing and following the exact things I do. This part is based on who you are as an individual. What makes you smile and what makes me smile may be different. However, I hope to inspire you to discover or rediscover these things. I plan to share things that bring me joy; the priceless things that money cannot buy, yet still make my heart smile. I hope to inspire you to discover for yourself what priceless things bring you joy and also find a better appreciation for life!

May my journey inspire and improve yours. It's time to Pay it Forward.

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