Thursday, March 15, 2012

Spring has Sprung! Getting more out of the new season for less.

And so it begins... Daylights Saving Time has begun and the first signs of Spring have already arrived.  All we can think about is getting back outside and enjoying the outdoors and feeling that glorious sunshine reign down on our face and shoulders. The great masses of retail and community feel it too. Many activities that we have missed all winter are sneaking their enticing claws into our minds. Community festivals are advertising their dates, amusement parks are gearing up for opening day, and restaurants seem to have customers on their patios again. Why you may ask? Duh, because they want to make money AND what better way to make money than to take advantage of the items that are everyone's priceless list!


While the many natural activities of Spring are now free to enjoy, so also begins the possibilities of spending more money; money we can spend in places that we haven't been able to all winter long. As you feel yourself tempted to embark on these new adventures, stop and ask yourself, "What about these things are really enticing to me? What is making me want to partake? Is this activity a part of my budget?"  If your answer to the last question is "yes", then by all means enjoy! However, if you will pause and think about what your really seeking (probably items on your priceless list),  then you will also find these priceless moments you are seeking are found right under your nose for a lot less. I'm not suggesting these are better choices. They are simply alternatives when trying to save a buck or two.   Here are a few things I do for myself when I am trying to make the most out of my dollar and catch those priceless moments I love about Spring.

1. Enjoy your own patio-  I know I love the feeling of being able to go to a restaurant and sit out on the patio while enjoying a meal or drinks with friends or family. It's not always necessary however,  to go to a restaurant and spend the money on food and drinks to enjoy that patio feeling and time with loved ones. If you have a deck or patio or know a friend or family member that has one, recommend that you relocate to your own. It is in fact still a patio. It is the same sunshine. Not to mention the money you save serving your own meal and drinks, rather than a restaurant bill is an added bonus!

2. Exercise Outdoors - I know not everyone exercises and I will most likely post more about this "priceless" topic in another post, another day. For the purposes of this post however,  the immediate feeling I personally get from exercise is something on my priceless list and when I can do it outside, it's even better! Getting outside and getting healthy in the sunshine can be much more rewarding than the same old cramped gym. Why pay for that aerobics classes and listen to the grunting of others lift weights, when you can get the same exercise right outside while enjoying the new season.  I personally refuse to pay for a gym membership. There are just too many other ways I have discovered and learned over the years on how to exercise for mush less while earning more priceless moments.  For one, enjoying nature and the new life of Spring cannot be found in a gym. If you don't have a safe neighborhood to walk in, or backyard to perform your work-out, visit a local park, find some hiking trails, or see if a local school has their track open.

3. Do some yard work-  One of coolest parts of Spring is the beginning and return of life in most of nature. Birds come back from migration, new animals are born, and plants are blooming. What a better way to really notice this new life than to work with our hands, get up close, and aid this natural process along. Not to mention it's another form of exercise. If you don't personally have a yard, what about trying a few potted plants on a patio. If this isn't an option either, is their someone in your life that could use an extra hand in the yard. Perhaps this is your chance to spend the day with your parents or a close friend, or an elderly neighbor might want an extra hand.  

4. Visit a community festival -There are many community festivals held during the Spring and believe it or not, much of the things offered at these are free. Yes, there will be things you can spend your money on and if you have it budgeted (and only if) then spend away. However, remember to enjoy the things about the festival that are priceless as well. The fresh air and sunshine are always free of charge, sometimes you can find live music, maybe free prizes, and perhaps arts and crafts to appreciate. All this and more can be found all without spending a dime. 

5. Spring Cleaning - You might be asking, "what about this would I enjoy?" For me, indoor or outdoor spring cleaning always gives me MANY of my priceless moments. Although the cleaning part can be tough to embark on, there is in fact exercise, enjoying good music, feeling the spring weather, and knowing I have accomplished a task to motivate me along. Try a chore outside first, like cleaning the yard or gutters on the roof. Go give your car a good bath or get really crazy and volunteer to pick up around your neighborhood or nearby park. If you chose to stay indoors, open up the windows and blast some good music!

6. Roll the windows down and blast the radio -Finally, you don't have to scrape the ice of your windshield and look at your breathe for 5 minutes while the car warms up.  The sun is starting to warm up your car quite well. Most of us are in our cars everyday, so why not take advantage of rolling down the windows and enjoying fresh air. Better yet, blast the radio, your iPod, or CD of choice. Or for the daring, sing your heart out just like Tom Cruise did in that scene in Jerry Maguire!  Man, it feels awesome just to write and think about it!
*click above for a little motivation*

7. Have an outdoor game day -This can go for any ages and any lifestyle. I love a good game. I have always been known around my bunch as the gamer.  I guess I love a little together time with my loved ones and a little good clean competitive fun as well.  College ages, singles, families with children can all enjoy. The next time you are sitting around bored, pick yourself up and step into the backyard yard or free open area like a park.You don't always have to pay those green fees for a round of golf to get in a game outside.  Try a pick-up game of basketball at the local park, invite friends over for a game of bocce ball, croquet, or horseshoes. Don't feel like being that active? Spread out a blanket and pick up a board game or deck of playing cards!

8. Relax - Sometimes being lazy and resting your body can be totally rejuvenating for the body and soul.  Get a blanket, or hammock if you already have one, and read a book, a magazine, or simply take an afternoon nap. Aahhhhhhhh.....

If you don't have the luxury of an outdoor yard area in your home or neighborhood then please remember THE LOCAL PARKS! You do already have to pay those dreaded taxes and part of it goes to maintaining those parks, so go make use of that expense! There are endless activities and opportunities here.
  Be sure to check your local parks websites for any activities that may be free or the chance to embark on some of the activities I have spoken already. 

Got any other ideas? I would love to hear them.

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