Sunday, March 18, 2012

Be frugal, NOT cheap!

As I write about encouraging everyone to be wiser with their money and make sure you have good spending habits, I realize I also need to let everyone know that this does not mean being cheap! As you try to save a little money here and there, please always remember I'm encouraging you to be frugal, not cheap.  Here are some examples showing the difference between the two.

-The Frugal will always tip on the FULL amount, even if using coupons or discounted pricing. The Cheap may not tip at all.

-The Frugal will offer to bring dessert or appetizer when being offered a free meal at someone's house. The Cheap will continuously mooch off of free meals sent their way without ever returning the favor.

-The Frugal will still buy quality products even though they cost a little more, because they last and will save them money in the long run. The Cheap will by inexpensive products that will fall apart  fast and have to be replaced or maintained more often, resulting in higher costs.

-The Frugal will welcome the opportunity to participate in free festivals or services, but remember to leave a little in the donation plate or even volunteer from time to time. The Cheap will show up every time, take part in ever free offering sent their way, and still complain about what they didn't like about it.

-The Frugal will negotiate a better price. The Cheap will whine, complain, and pitch a fit if they don't get the price they expect.

-The Frugal will always say thank you.  The Cheap..... well.....I think you get my point now.

 If you are acting in a cheap way in order to save money, you are only hurting yourself and possibly others. The world needs to act in a more frugal way for sure, but we need LESS cheap people as well. Challenge yourself in the coming days and weeks ahead to think twice about each time you are making a money saving decision. Decide if you are being cheap or frugal.  Go for frugal every time.  I promise it will pay off in the long run.  It will better your pocketbook and give you priceless moments in life!

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